AVIVA Chorus is a Choir for the LGBTQ2+ community and allies. The choir is open to music lovers of all abilities, cultures, ethnic backgrounds, spiritual practices, and gender identities. Why did I join The AVIVA chorus family? When I first joined the AVIVA Choir, singing was not that important to me. The choir merely provided an entertaining evening that I could share with my partner at the time. After retiring from a life of sport, the AVIVA Choir had become an outlet for activity within the LGBTQ community.
In my youth, I had fun singing Disney classics in my elementary school performances, but the love of sport was my primary passion. I’ve played competitive sports on a mixture of lesbian and primarily straight teams for over 40 years. Through sport, I found that socializing within your own community, and with the support of allies, provides an innate sense of acceptance. I feel the same support and acceptance within the AVIVA family.
When I joined the AVIVA Chorus, I had little singing experience. I loved singing pop tunes in my car and crooning to my divas while dancing. The Choir took me under its wing. My new mentors acknowledged and supported my limited singing background. Surrounded by caring enthusiastic voices, my love for singing flourished. My ex partner left the Choir and AVIVA became my new family. With the guidance of the Choir Director and helpful tips from my choir mates, I developed my singing style, tone and range. I started singing Soprano 2, as I didn’t much care for the high pitched sound of Sop.1, and Alto felt a wee bit too low to sing. With practice, I challenged my voice, and surprised my self by actually singing in a higher register. I’ve learned to accept my vocal range and realize there is always room for improvement.
The AVIVA Chorus has changed with the times, becoming more open and inclusive to all gender identities. As I continue to grow and develop as a singer, I hope to support and welcome others who may like to sing for fun, or sing for the pure joy of it. In the past I would just try to sing. Today, I’m actually doing it, and you can too. I want to share my sense of support and community with like minded individuals. AVIVA Chorus provides a safe place to have your voice heard, expressed in song or spirit. Magic does happen when you sing, and I’m loving it.
Corinne Devison
AVIVA Chorus – Celebrating the diversity of the LGBTQ2+ Community